Program of Work
Boo Grams
During the month of October members sold $1 spooky suckers around the school. The selling of suckers provided the school with festive fun throughout the week before Halloween!
State Leadership Conference
Our officer team had the great opportunity to attend the Nebraska State Leadership Conference in Kearney, Nebraska. Throughout the day they listened to amazing speakers, learning how to lead the chapter more efficiently.
District 6 Leadership Conference
On October 6, 2021 members from our chapter attended the District 6 of Nebraska Leadership Conference, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. At the conference members bonded and developed their leadership skills further.
Poinsettia Fundraising
During the months of November and early December members took part in selling holiday poinsettias to raise money to attend the Nebraska State Leadership Conference.
Make a Hospital Tray card for Community service
For many people in the hospital during the holidays it can be hard to keep a positive mindset. Members created holiday cards that were placed on hospital dinner trays at Howard County Medical Center, in hope of brightening patient's days.
Adopt a Family
In the month of December members gathered goods,toys and basic cleaning supplies for a local family in need. All goods collected were then wrapped and delivered in time for Christmas.
Chapter Movie and Snack Night
At the annual Holiday party members voted on watching a movie while enjoying various foods from a potluck!
District 6 StAr event competition
On January 26, 2022 various members competed at the District 6 of Nebraska STAR Event competition. Many members are now heading to the State STAR Competition in Lincoln, Nebraska!